a short  bio


Being a private person today is a challenge.

I only recently adopted social media  after it found my lost Doggie.  Then I wondered what else it could find 

 I work alone for the most part.   All online presence is self generated. 

I enjoy expressing myself on LinkedIn 

I operate at Zero Debt 

All you see now is after 5 years alcohol free !  !  





(posted as a response to RLSS  on LinkedIn)

My first Job as a Lifeguard at a Church Summer Camp. Thank you RLSS! I was 17 with my Bronze.

I taught Archery and Canoeing as well. They had a sports day at the end of the year (Labour Day) and there were cash prizes. 

As I was an Athlete, I figured I would do well. There were a lot of people there from other congregations like Montreal, Toronto, and Ottawa. Quite a fun crowd really.

The 1st race came up. It was a 100 yd dash. They even had the starter pistol.

We take off running and I am out in the lead representing Ottawa and this girl from Montreal is pretty much right on my tail and she gave me a run for my literal money! I did win but not by much. 

The entire day went like that between the 2 of us. We were well matched in skill and the rest of the field of people noticed that we had a bit of a competition going. I was still leading by a bit. She was good.

By the end of the day the kitty for the final race was FAT. They had some donations and put all the money in a big pot for the final race.  Winner takes all!

   I am standing away from the throng, and I see the girl in her group across the field and I start walking towards her.

   It is a long walk across an empty field as the contestants prepare, and people start noticing.

   I am thinking,  What am I doing, what am I doing? but I keep walking, and I just go marching right up to her and stop.

   I did not know her, might never see her again, but that did not matter.  I smiled.  I asked her.

"How would you like to team up for the 3-legged race and win the rest of the money?"

  She got a big grin on and nodded enthusiastically (of course she did).

  And it was something to see because we tied our legs above the knee, and it was like lockstep. Perfect synchronicity. Hair straight back, not slowed down at all.  


We won, and we got all the money and we split it 50/50, and went our separate ways.  I never saw her again.  That is representative of a business philosophy that has stuck with me. I LOVE working with talented people.  Is it competition? Or a strength? Leave yourself open, and don't be afraid to ask TO COLLABORATE.


That is part of the evolution of Jade River Design.



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